Two Tips To Help You Get More Affordable Meals At Restaurants
Few things are as enjoyable as being able to enjoy a night out at your favorite restaurant. The chance to have someone serve your meal (and, not to mention wash the dishes,) makes going to restaurants a highly enjoyable pastime. However, no matter how much you enjoy eating out, one thing may be standing in the way: finances. You may find it hard to stretch your budget enough to afford to visit your favorite restaurants as often as you'd like. Use this information to learn more about what you can do to make your next restaurant meal more affordable.
Fill Out Those Surveys
When you've been presented with the bill at a restaurant, there have probably been a number of times where the server advised that if you would fill out the survey on the bottom or back of the receipt, you would qualify for a discounted or free meal. You've probably also tossed out these surveys on many occasions, essentially throwing away free money that could drive down the cost of your next meal.
Become vigilant about taking these surveys each time they are offered to you. Because the restaurant wants your opinion to be as fresh as possible, many of the surveys are time sensitive, so it's important that you pay attention to the expiration date of the survey. Create a file of your completed surveys so that when you're ready to return to that particular restaurant, you won't have to pay so much for your meal.
Harness The Power Of Social Media
Many business owners understand just how powerful online reviews are. A few harsh words from a disgruntled customer could be enough to deter business, and this could spell the beginning of the end for a restaurant.
That's why you should harness the power of social media. There are a number of restaurants that will give you a discount simply for "checking in" at their establishment. When you do a virtual check-in with your Smartphone, your social media following will be able to see that you went to a particular establishment. Depending on how technologically advanced the restaurant is, you may either have to show your server that you checked in to get the discount, or they may have a system in place that can auto-detect your check-in. If you're willing to write a review afterward, you may become eligible for even more discounts and rewards.
You don't have to let limited funds keep you from enjoying a relaxing meal at a restaurant. Start using these tips right away so you can keep your next restaurant bill in check.